Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Adios 2012

Only few moments separate us from the end of a year but, it has the concise life of 365 days in it; for few those 365 days were just days and for few its 31,536,000 years in it as they spend each passed second as a year.  Before starting that year few people thought that it will be then end of life... well 2012 was the end for some people -including some friends-. Don’t wait for “the end” to come, have fun as if you will die tomorrow. Personally that year had so many things with it. This year will be memorable to me not because I have enjoyed it at full extent but, because I have found so many betrayers and those people were somehow associated with me. Till the time I was kept on thinking about right and wrong but after such a greater internal conflict with myself I came to a point if a person is wrong than saying him/her right will not make a difference and in simple words it's wastage of time and money.

I’ve met more people in 2012 than I’ve ever met in my entire life. It was a year full of challenging stuff, circumstances nearly killed me, i lost friends, but i could see nimble in the end of this obscurity, i see affluence after depression, i see bliss after melancholy, at the end of this tunnel i see freedom after coercion, i see righteousness in the end.

So, what I am really thankful for 2012 to give me: fun, Life, Love, hate, debate, run, shout, hug, smoke cigar (not cigarettes those could kill me :P ), had an awesome dinner with Mom and Nephew, a way to achieve my dreams or die trying, careless of what other people think, as it’s my life not theirs. Few good friends who were always with me either in hard time specifically, Nighat, Fakhar, Mahin, Muzammil and Nauman.

If you can’t take a break every now and then and enjoy life while you can you will regret it, as nothing is more important than losing your youth and health for. I would not recommend anyone to work like a mule during their life and only wait for the age of retirement when they will be too old to have fun… It doesn’t conclude that someone can live like a hippie either. Do mix all the flavors of spices in proper proportion to have a wonderful life curry.

Balanced life is the key of a good life.

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