Entertainment in Islam
Public debate tends to focus on the distinction between violent extremists and non‐violent or ‘moderate’ Muslims, whereas there are a vast number of differences depending especially on country of origin. Any classification is in danger of over‐simplification but for present purposes four groups are important: violent extremists; religious fundamentalists who are Quranic literalists but not violent; liberal Muslims who want to reform Islam to make it compatible with liberal‐democracy; and secular Muslims who were born to Islam and maintain some links, perhaps out of respect for their parents. Before going in more depth first we need to see from where to begin. Let start from the word Entertainment; this word comes in our mind when we start our education and learn that who is the creature, whom should we obey and what pleased us? But, while the students get promoted to new classes they became closer to this word and getting far from their religion, here we are taking about Islam. Mostly Islamic families who lied in first two groups aim to capture the next generation of Muslims for fundamentalism and to turn children away, not only from Western influence, but also from liberal and secular Muslims, whom they despise perhaps with greater vehemence than non‐Muslims.
The approach of some of the Muslim schools we have studied is the result not of violent extremism but of religious fundamentalism. They see non‐Muslim countries as part of the realm of unbelief and they see education as a process of inoculating children against infection by Western ideas. As far as possible they try to shield children from Western influence—hence the prohibition of art, music, and drama—but above all children are taught to reject the Western tradition of learning through discussion and argument. Fundamentalists see Islam as a world of faith. If you want to know the truth on some point, then consult the Quran or Islamic legal traditions. If children are given counter‐arguments to Western ideas, it is typically not in a spirit of free inquiry, but rather to teach them the words they can use to resist Western influence. The liberal ideals of Milton and Locke, that we should learn to be self‐critical and teach ourselves the disinterested pursuit of truth, are held in contempt.
Most of the religions try to add Entertainment to their religions in order to keep their believers with them and try to attract others. But, in Islam Entertainment exist if we see it neither as extremist nor as a critic. Music in Islam is prohibited by some Hadith in Bukhari Shareef.
1. Narrated Abu 'Amir or Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari: that he heard the Prophet saying, "From among my followers there will be some people who will consider illegal sexual intercourse, the wearing of silk, the drinking of alcoholic drinks and the use of Musical instruments, as lawful. And there will be some people who will stay near the side of a mountain and in the evening their shepherd will come to them with their sheep and ask them for something, but they will say to him, 'Return to us tomorrow.' Allah will destroy them during the night and will let the mountain fall on them, and He will transform the rest of them into monkeys and pigs and they will remain so till the Day of Resurrection." (Book #69, Hadith #494v)
2. Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) came to my house while two girls were singing beside me the songs of Buath (a story about the war between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Khazraj and the Aus, before Islam). The Prophet (p.b.u.h) lay down and turned his face to the other side. Then Abu Bakr came and spoke to me harshly saying, "Musical instruments of Satan near the Prophet (p.b.u.h) ?" Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) turned his face towards him and said, "Leave them." When Abu Bakr became inattentive, I signaled to those girls to go out and they left. It was the day of 'Id, and the Black people were playing with shields and spears; so either I requested the Prophet (p.b.u.h) or he asked me whether I would like to see the display. I replied in the affirmative. Then the Prophet (p.b.u.h) made me stand behind him and my cheek was touching his cheek and he was saying, "Carry on! O Bani Arfida," till I got tired. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) asked me, "Are you satisfied (Is that sufficient for you)?" I replied in the affirmative and he told me to leave. (Book #15, Hadith #70)
3. Narrated Aisha: Abu Bakr came to my house while two small Ansari girls were singing beside me the stories of the Ansar concerning the Day of Buath. And they were not singers. Abu Bakr said protestingly, "Musical instruments of Satan in the house of Allah's Apostle!" It happened on the 'Id day and Allah's Apostle said, "O Abu Bakr! There is an 'Id for every nation and this is our 'Id." (Book #15, Hadith #72)
4. Narrated Aisha: That once Abu Bakr came to her on the day of 'Id-ul-Fitr or 'Id ul Adha while the Prophet was with her and there were two girl singers with her, singing songs of the Ansar about the day of Buath. Abu Bakr said twice. "Musical instrument of Satan!" But the Prophet said, "Leave them Abu Bakr, for every nation has an 'Id (i.e. festival) and this day is our 'Id." (Book #58, Hadith #268)
But, music is not the only entertainment as playing games, dating girl, sex, smoking and drinking are also part of entertainment as our new generation thinks. But, in real these are all the things which we think are required to make a religion more attractive. But in real things are totally different which can be indentified from following facts.
Sports in Islam:
Let see it in the light of Quran, few Ayâts from the Holy Qurân which have been reproduced below, use the words "lahw" and "la'ib". The Fuqaha (jurists) have used the same words for sport and games.
1. "Nothing is the life of this world but play and amusement.
But best is the Home in the Hereafter, for those who are righteous.
Will you not then understand?"(Al Quraan 6:32)
2. "Leave alone those who take their religion to be mere play and amusement, and are deceived by the life of this world."(Al Quraan 6:70)
3. "What is the life of this world but amusement and play? Verily the Home of the Hereafter, that is life indeed, if they but knew."(Al Quraan 29:64)
4. "The life of this world is but play and amusement:
And if you believe and guard against evil, He will grant you your recompense, and will not ask you (to give up) your possessions."(Al Quraan 47:36)
5. "Know you (all) that the life of this world is but play and a pastime, adornment and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children."(Al Quraan 57:20)
6. "So leave them to plunge in vain talk and play about, until they encounter that day of theirs which they have been promised!"(Al Quraan 70:42)
Difference in Between lahw and la'ib:
1. Commenting on Surah Muhammad, Allamah Razi writes that la'ib is that work in which there is no benefit or gain. When one gets involved in it and gives up important work, it is lahw; and if he does not give up important work, it is la'ib. Hence the means and instruments of games and pastimes constitute lahw, while chess etc. are la'ib (vol xxvii, p.73). In the interpretation of Surah Muhammad, the great commentator Allamah Razi writes that in worldly life, the time that is spent in good virtuous work and in acquiring the necessities of life is good, but that time which is spent on unnecessary work is very bad. To engage in la'ib (games) is the work of children. Having played, they exhaust themselves, and that work (games) comes to an end without any benefit. Lahw is the work of young men who often repent after some time, which it would have been better if they had not done it. Afterwards they consider the reasons, that money was lost, precious time was spoilt and the pleasure ended and yet the fondness remained unsatisfied. Thus the result is nothing but regret and remorse. (vol xxix p.233)
2. The author of Tafsir Fath ul-Qadeer says that lahw-wa-la'ib is the work of foolish men - the unintelligent, whose intelligence is subnormal (vol ii, p54). In the commentary of Surah Hadid, it says that the work that engages one in the world and makes one forgetful about the work of the Hereafter is lawh-wa-la'ib.. (Ibid, vol v p.174)
3. It is stated in Tafsir Ruh al-Ma'ani that lahw is that work in which a wise man does not perceive any benefit, whether it is Harâm or not. The difference between the two is that from la'ib one gets pleasure, joy and satisfaction, whereas there is no such objective in lahw. Hence a wise man does only that work in which there is some great objective. If a work is done without the right objective, it is lahw and la'ib.. (vol vii, p.134)
4. The author of Tafsir Khazin (vol v, p.165 and vol vi p.155) says that engaging in those acts in which there is no benefit, is like engaging in useless acts one after another; just as foolish youngsters do.
5. It is stated in Tafsir Nazm-e Durar that the pleasure that is sought through impermissible means is called la'ib, and lahw is that work which looks pleasant and makes man forgetful about useful things; eg. singing and ogling at women. (vol vii, p.92)
6. In Tafsir Mazhari, Hazrat Moulana Thanâullah (Panipati) writes that lahw is that work in which the objective and result is incorrect and from which no benefit is gained. La'ib is that work in which there is no benefit at all, because games and pastimes are very ephemeral in nature, and both these things prevent man from worship and devotion to Allâh. (vol iii, p.258)
7. It is stated in Tafsir Nasafi that giving up useful things by engaging in useless things, is la'ib." (vol ii, p.9)
'Sport' in the light Hadith
The term 'sport' is used to denote the activities which the Holy Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) encouraged, such as archery, swimming, horse-riding, etc. The reason for this will be explained later.
1. Horse Riding
Allâh (Azza wa jall) says in the Holy Qurân:
And (He created) horses, mules, and donkeys for you to ride and as an adornment. (Al Quraan 16:8)
Uqbah bin Âmir reported that the messenger of Allâh (Azza wa jall) said:
Everything with which a man plays is unlawful except his shooting with arrows, and his training his horse, and his sporting with his wife; and verily these are of the truths. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawoo,Ibn Majah)
The Holy Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said:
"There is blessing in the forelocks of horses."(Ahmad)
2. Archery
Hazrat Uqbah Bin Âmir (Radiallâhu anhu) also narrates that he heard Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) saying:
"Whoever gives up archery after having learnt it, is not of us..."(Muslim)
On another occasion, the Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) once passed by a group of his Companions who were competing in archery. He encouraged them saying,
"Shoot and I am with you."(Bukhari)
3. Swimming
Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) said:
Teach your sons swimming and archery and teach your daughters sewing."(Baihaqi)
With regard to the participation of the Sahaba in the above activities, the jurists write:
a. "Anything done simply for futile pleasures or merely 'for fun' has no basis in Shariah as every action of a believer is orchestrated by the supreme command of Allâh and orientated towards attaining His pleasure only. And it is the culmination and perfection of faith wherein the servant attains pleasure only in fulfilling the command of His Master and his heart ingests and aspires at all times to ascertain the command of Allâh. When this becomes second-nature within man, then all his pleasures are converted and directed accordingly. Hence, the encouragement of Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) to the Sahaba and their participation in such activities was not to appease their personal motives or to derive any worldly pleasures thereby, but to gain the pleasure of Allâh and strive to fulfil His command and physically and mentally prepare for the propagation thereof in every way possible, even though it meant laying down their lives for it, which they practically demonstrated to mankind."
b. "The racing, wrestling and archery which Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) encouraged should not be viewed as sport in the way people of this time understand sport. Since these were activities associated with Jihad, he encouraged them."
c. "Their primary objective was to prepare themselves for Jihâd and the worldly benefits were secondary."
d. "For this, on the basis of Hadith, the Ulema have stated that horse-racing, donkey-racing, mule-racing and human race competitions should be held with the intention of preparing for jihad. This is mustahab (praiseworthy) and for this, one will be recompensated. Similarly, sword-fighting, archery and in today's times, practising with modern weapons like firearms, machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, submarines, planes, etc. on land, sea and air, and the time and money spent on them will gain recompense, provided the intention is for jihad. If such exercises and competitions are held and prizes are given so that people are more and more induced to be ready for defending and protecting their religion and country, or one-sided bets are offered, it is all permissible; i.e. he who completes the race first or excels others in a competition will be given a prize. However betting from both sides is not permissible, it is haram."
4. Foot Racing
The Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) himself raced with his wife. Hazrat Ayesha said: "I raced with the Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and beat him in the race. Later when I had put on some weight, we raced again and he won. Then he said, 'This cancels that', referring to the previous occasion."(Ahmad, Abu Dawood)
Regarding this Hadith the jurists write:
a. "The Hadith regarding Nabi's (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) race with Hazrat Aishah (R.A) cannot be cited as a basis for encouraging sport because in his entire life, Rasulullah (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) raced with her only on two occasions. When he did so, he instructed the others to leave the place so that the race could take place in privacy."
b. "The Hadith relating that Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) ran a race with Hazrat Aishah R.A. once while they were on a journey wherein Hazrat Aisha R.A. outshone Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and sometime later wherein Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) beat her to the draw was a manifestation of the affectionate bond of love that existed between them and how matrimonial rights should be conducted as discussed under the chapter of Conjugal Rights and Intimacy between husband and wife in the books of Hadith. And this is actually a practical demonstration of another Hadith wherein Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) had reiterated.
'Every such engagement of man which entails play and amusement is null and void except archery, training one's horse and playing with one's wife, for these things constitute righteousness.' "
c. "As for the race with Ayesha (Radiallâhu anha), this is narrated only by her and no other Sahâbi (Radiallâhu anhu). This makes it obvious that this was in absolute privacy. Actually this race was not in the form of some sport. Rather, it was more in the form of playfulness and a manner of mirthful activity as is common in a healthy husband and wife relationship. If one practices this sunnah in the same manner (i.e. in absolute privacy) with one's wife, by all means. However, it cannot be used to justify the indulgence in modern day sports.
5. Wrestling
The Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) once wrestled with a man called Rukanah who was well-known for his strength, throwing him down more than once. (Abu Dawood).
This Hadith has been explained as follows:
"The Hadith mentioning Rasulullah's wrestling with Rukanah is not encouragement for sport because the event took place at the request of Rukanah who wanted to ascertain whether Muhammed (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) was a Nabi or not. Rasulullah's victory over Rukanah was by way of Mu'jizah. This Hadith is not an encouragement for sport."
Relaxing the Mind and Body
At the outset, it is important to outline the Islamic stance on relaxation. With regard to relaxing the mind and body, there seems to be a general consensus amongst the different Ulama. The following are the views of four prominent South African jurists:
"Says the Qurân:
'Undoubtedly it is only through the Remembrance of Allâh that the hearts find contentment and satisfaction.' Ar-Ra'ad verse 28.
Says the Hadith:
'And your body also has a right over you." Bukhari
Hence to relax the body and mind and to maintain its physical well-being has been acceded to in Shariah, however, remaining within the limits of Shariah thereby and without exceeding the bounds and not engaging in any such activity which will make one unmindful and heedless of Allâh."
Islam recognizes that Allâh has created human beings with needs and desires, so that, as they need to eat and drink, they also need to relax. The following incident substantiates that in Islam there is a time and place for everything permissible. Hazrat Hanzalah (R.A) states:
“Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) met me and asked, "How are you, Hanzalah?" I replied, "Hanzalah has become a hypocrite." He said, "SubhanAllâh! What are you saying?" I replied, "When we are with Allâh's Messenger (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam), he mentions the Fire and the Garden until it is as if we can see them. But when we leave Nabi's (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) company and play with our wives and children or busy ourselves with our properties, we forget much." Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) said, "By Allâh, I have experienced the same thing." He and I then went to visit Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) and I said, "O Messenger of Allâh (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam), when we are with you, you talk about the Fire and Garden until it is as if we can see them. Then we go out and play with our wives and the children and deal with our properties, and we forget much. Nabi (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) then said, "By Him in Whose Hands is my soul, if you were to continue at the same level at which you were when with me in remembering Allâh, the angels would shake hands with you when you are resting and when you walk about, but, O Hanzalah, there is a time (for this) and time (for that)." He repeated this phrase three times. (Mishkat pg.197-198)
Pastimes are permissible provided that they provide the participant with relaxation and exercise and at the same time none of the laws of Shariah are compromised e.g. dress, intermingling of sexes, gambling and betting etc."
Prohibited Sports
A number of sports have been explicitly prohibited by the Qurân and Hadith. These include:
a. Playing with dice
The Prophet (Sallallâhu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said:
"He who plays with dice is like the one who handles the flesh and blood of swine."(Muslim, Abu Dawood, Ahmad)
b. Games of Chance and Card - playing
Abdullah bin Amr reported that the messenger of Allâh (Azza wa jall) prohibited intoxicants, games of chance, card - playing and Gabairah (a kind of wine).(Abu Dawood)
Dating a Girl and Sex:
Few people think that dating and romance is not allowed in Islam. Dating is allowed in Islam but after marriage. A man can take his wife to date and a wife can date his husband. If we want to date too many girls and boys then it will not be allowed in any religion even unless those religions which have no rules to follow i.e. Agonist, Atheist.
Sex has many forms; Masturbation (Self Satisfaction), Homo sexual or Lesbianism, and an intercourse in between a husband and wife.
Masturbation (Self Satisfaction)
The enemies of Allah know the importance of the youth and the role they play in the construction of a nation. Hence, they have schemed various ways to eliminate and destroy this asset, to poison the thinking and minds of the youth and to plant the spirit of unsteadiness and moral depravity in their lives. Some of the despicable ways in which they achieve their objectives are as follows:
To employ every possible means to stimulate and excite the natural impulse in man through:-
· Colourful, captivating and stimulating pictorial illustrations and images;
· Female and male actors and sport-players whom the masses have accepted in order to frame their minds in such a manner that they can be easily influenced and to give them by means of these actors and sport-players a pattern and model of life;
· Magazines which deal with women employed in the field of fashion, art, cinemas, sports and beauty;
· Senseless music which is directed to degrade man;
· Collections of poetry which decreases the soul to sense its' natural feelings;
· Imaginary and fictitious love stories and narratives sold on street-corners; and
· Movies and films which the agents of the Jews produce to destroy the good-character of people so that it could become easy for them to rule the world.
To place imaginative obstacles and impediments on the straight path at a time when shaytaan is also working hard to stimulate the passion of man. To place social, individual, mental and economical barriers to impress upon the youth that the affair of marriage is a difficult matter.
This second method of the enemies of Islam is, in reality, a closure of the legal doors whereby a person could satisfy his natural desires.
The Result
When the desire and passion of man is stirred-up due to various influencing factors, it ventures to search for the correct path for satisfaction. Instead of finding the door open it finds it closed. Consequently, it chooses the corrupted and distorted paths. Here it finds the doors wide open.
The enemies of Allah have been successful to a considerable extent in achieving their objectives. They have extracted from the Muslim Ummah such youth whose primary concern is the fulfillment of carnal appetite. These youth have surrendered to the attack of the enemies. Their greatest desire is to enter into the world of arts, sports and fashion. They have been nurtured from childhood with lust, passion and lowly-desires. When they think, they think of evil. The beating of their heart is also for evil. They live, sleep and eat yearning for vice. These youth have thus only excelled in sports, music and hair styling. When the condition of the youth has become such then the fall of the Ummah and the collapse of society is evident.
Amongst the distorted ways towards which the youth have resorted to satisfy their lust is masturbation - a fast spreading, vile act. This vile act has become common amongst a large sector of youth. Many young boys and girls have become entrapped in the snare of masturbation. Hence, it is necessary to explain the law of Islam with regard to this evil act, to list its harms and disastrous consequences and to prescribe some medicine and treatment to root-out this shameful act.
The Ruling Regarding Masturbation is that it is Haraam (Unlawful)
This is the ruling of the 4 schools of thought viz. Malikiyah, Shafi'eyah and Hanafiyah and one riwayah (narration) from Imaam Ahmed. They have drawn their conclusions from the following proofs:-
Proofs from the Quraan
Allah Ta'aala says:
"And those who guard their private parts save from their wives and those (slave-girls) which their right-hands own - so there is no blame upon them. Then whoever seeks beyond that (which is lawful), they are the transgressors." (Surah Al Mu'minoon : Verse 5 & 6)
The intended meaning of these aayat is clear. Allah Ta'aala has praised the believers for guarding their private parts from that which He has made forbidden upon them. Allah has permitted them to approach their wives and slave-girls. Thereafter, these Words of Allah Ta'aala follow:- Whoever seeks beyond that which is lawful are oppressors who overstep from halaal (permitted) towards haraam (prohibited).
Hafiz Ibne Katheer Rahmatullah alaihi writes:
"Imaam Shaafie Rahmatullah alaihi and those who have agreed with him have concluded that masturbation is haraam from this aayah." He says: "Masturbation is excluded from these two types which Allah has made halaal, viz. wives and slave-girls."
Similarly, these Fuqahaa (Jurists) have drawn their conclusion from the following aayah:
"And those who do not find the means to marry should remain chaste until Allah gives them resources by His Grace." (Surah Al Mu'minoon : Verse 32)
This aayah shows masturbation to be haraam because of two reasons: Firstly: In this aayah Allah Ta'aala has given the command of chastity and, according to the principles of fiqh, a command (an imperative) denotes wujoob (incumbency, obligation). Hence to remain chaste is wajib (compulsory) and wherever chastity is wajib it becomes wajib to refrain from that which is contrary to it, for example, adultery, fornication, and sodomy. This is due to the fact that obligatory chastity will not materialize except by complete refrainment from all that which is contrary to chastity.
Secondly, in this aayah Allah Ta'aala has made chastity obligatory on those who are unable to execute the command of nikah. Here Allah Ta'aala has not determined any connection or link between marriage and chastity. Hence, this demands that masturbation should be haraam. And if assuming, it was permissible, then Allah Ta'aala would have mentioned it at this point because this was the place of its explanation. The silence maintained by Allah Ta'aala with regards to it at a place which requires its explanation, denotes that masturbation is haraam.
Imaam Qurtubi Rahmatullah alaihi has written in the tafseer of this aayah: "And when Allah Ta'aala has not determined any order between nikah and chastity, then this shows that besides these two, everything else is haraam. However, this hurmat (unlawfulness) does not include slave-girls because another command of the Quraan makes them mubaah (permissible), viz. "That which the right-hands earn (i.e. slave girls)." Hence in this matter an addition of slave-girl has come. Masturbation, however still remains haraam."
"Those who seek beyond this (i.e wives and slave girls] are transgressors." (Surah Ma'aarij : Verse 31)
Under the tafseer of this aayah, Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti writes: "Imaam Baghawi has deduced from this aayat that masturbation is haraam."
Proofs from the Ahaadeeth
1. Similarly, the Fuqahaa have drawn their conclusion from a hadeeth reported by Abdullah bin Mas'ud Radiallahu anhu in Bukhari and Muslim. He says that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:
"O group of youth! Whoever from amongst you can marry should do so because it keeps the gaze low and it protects the private parts. And he who cannot marry should make it compulsory upon himself to fast because it breaks lust." (Bukhari : vol.6, pg.117 ; Muslim: vol.10, pg.172)
Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam has directed the person who is incapable of bearing the burden of nikah towards saum (fasting). If assuming, masturbation was permissible Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam would have mentioned it at this point. Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam however, maintained silence. Hence, this indicates that masturbation is haraam because the maintaining of silence at the place of explanation gives the benefit of restriction.
Some of the fuqahaa have drawn their conclusion from a narration reported by Hasan bin Arfah that Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:
"Seven persons are such that Allah will not look at them on the Day of Qiyaamah nor will He purify them nor will He include them amongst the learned and Allah will enter them into Jahannum. They will enter Jahannum first except for those who repent. As for those who repent Allah will accept their repentence.
i. A person who masturbates.
ii. A person who performs the act of sodomy.
iii. The person upon whom the act of sodomy is performed.
iv. A perpetual drunkard
v. The person who hits his parents so much so that they appeal for help.
vi. The person who harms his neighbours so much so that they curse him.
vii. The person who commits adultery with his neighbour's wife." (Ibn Katheer: vol.5, pg.458)
Hadhrat Anas Radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said:
"The person who performs nikaah with his hands (i.e. he masturbates) is cursed." (Tasfseer Mazhari: vol.12, pg.94)
Homo Sexual and Lesbianism
In this materialistic age when everything is being sacrificed at the altar of 'freedom', the world from east to west is witnessing a total collapse of morality and decency. Virtue is portrayed as evil while sins of every type are being glamorized so as to seem acceptable to society. Honesty, fidelity, generosity, piety, chastity, the fear of Allâh, etc. are rarely looked upon as praiseworthy qualities, while adultery, gambling, fraud, usury, cheating, abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism etc. are fast becoming the order of the day.
In many of the so-called democracies, there is no longer any stigma in even committing sins openly because of the many corrupt laws that support such sins. In fact, today, in some of the world's biggest 'democracies' the more a leader publicizes his immoral and adulterous exploits, the more his popularity seems to increase and the greater his chances of being re-elected by the people.
But the saddest part of this is that while the Muslims were supposed to lead the world out of this turmoil and offer it Islâm as the only solution to its problems, they have begun to embrace the bankrupt ways of those who are themselves groping in the darkness of ignorance. Unfortunately many of the abominable practices found in the West and other kuffâr societies are creeping into Muslim societies. May Allâh protect us!
It is time for the Muslim Ummah to awaken from its slumber and realise that it is the duty of every Muslim to remind the whole of mankind that success lies only in fulfilling the orders of Allâh in the way shown by our Nabi. This article, based on a pamphlet that was distributed in Saudi Arabia by the General Presidency, Department for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (26 Shawwal 1415), discusses the issue of homosexuality and lesbianism in Islâm. Although the masculine gender has been used in this article, it applies to both males and females alike.
Sin of homosexuality is harâm. But do you know how serious this crime is and just how despicable it is in the sight of Allâh Ta'âla? when it is against the very nature of man, nay even of animals, what is the position of the person who indulges in it! Is such a person unaware that Allâh Ta'âla in all His Grandeur, Might and Power - is watching him while he indulges in his harâm act? is he not aware that Allâh Ta'âla has the power to send down upon him a swift and severe punishment or even seize him while he is involved in it? What will his position be when he appears before his Rabb [sustainer] on the day of Qiyâmah?
And such is the grasp of your Rabb when He seizes a community while it transgresses! Certainly His grasp is very painful (Surah Hud verse 102)
Let us now look at a few verses of the Qur'ân, Ahadith, narrations of the Sahibah RA and sayings and verdicts of the Ulama regarding the sin of homosexuality or sodomy. Thereafter, let us see what are some of the diseases that spread as a result of it as well as some solutions. May Allâh Ta'âla grant us the ability to follow His guidance and the sunnah of His Beloved Nabi SAW.
In the light of Hadiths:
Our beloved Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:
Certainly the thing I fear most on my Ummah is the (wicked) practice of the people of Lût AS. (Tirmizi, Ahmad, Ibn Hajr AI-Haythami, Ad-duri and Al-Âjuri)
Hazrat Ali bin Abi Tâlib RA relates:
Whoever allows himself to be used sexually (by becoming a homosexual or sodomite), Allâh Ta'âla will expel from him the natural desire for women.
Najeeb As-Sirri RA, says:
They (i.e. our pious elders) would even dislike looking at handsome young boys.
Nabi SAW has also said:
Lesbianism by women is adultery between them. (Tabrani).
Once Abul Aswad RA brought a letter which he showed to one of his students and said:
"I bear witness 'that this letter was dictated by Ali bin Abi Tâlib RA, to Abul Aswad: "When men (i.e. homosexuals) will (sexually) satisfy themselves with men and, women (i.e. lesbians) with women, then earthquakes will occur, faces will become transformed and stones will rain down from the skies."
Nabi SAW has also said:
"May Allâh curse him who does what Lût's AS people did." (Ibn Hibbân)
A lesson from history
It is a well known fact that when this wretched disease spread among one nation in the past, Allâh Ta'âla caused punishments to rain down from the skies upon them. Allâh mentions their story in many places in the Qur'ân. At one place He says:
"And (We also sent) Lût AS (as a messenger). Behold, he said to his people, do you do what is shameful even though you see (that it is wrong)? Would you really approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, you are a grossly ignorant people! "
His people gave no other answer but this: they said,
'Drive out the followers of Lût from your city. These are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!' But We saved him and his family except his wife: We destined her to be of those who lagged behind And we rained down on them a shower (of stones). And evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but failed to heed). (Surah an-Naml verse 54-58)
At yet another place, Allâh Most High says:
Do you approach the males of humanity, leaving the wives Allâh has created for you? But you are a people who transgress. (Surah Ash-Shu'ari verse 165-166)
From the first âyah, we learn that these people had themselves admitted that the family of Lût AS who had imân [belief in Allâh] was decent, chaste and morally pure. They also acknowledged that the family of Lût AS refrained from this filthy practice. They realised this since it is natural for every person to immediately recognise the pure way of life inspired by Allâh Ta'âla when they see it and also to make out any type of unnatural and perverted behaviour.
In the tafsir [commentary] of these verses, it is mentioned that both homosexuality and lesbianism were being practised by the people of Lût When Allâh decided to punish them, He commanded Jibra'îl AS to lift the village of Lût to the extent that the angels of the first heaven (sky) could actually hear the barking of their dogs. Jibra'îl then turned them over and dropped them from this tremendous height. Thereafter, Allâh Ta'âla caused scorching hot stones to rain down upon them. This is how this nation ended up being an example for the rest of mankind until the Day of Qiyâmah.
Imâm Al-Âjur Rahmatullah alaihi has said,
"Allâh Ta'âla has informed you about the despicable act of homosexuality committed by the people of Lût AS - and how He punished them by first snatching away their eyesight. Jibra'îl AS was then instructed to uproot their cities with all its inhabitants until they were high up in the sky and then turn over their cities upon them. Thereafter, they were pelted with stones of clay." Such was their punishment that not a single citizen or traveller could save himself from the stones and from being completely destroyed. It is said that they were four million people in number. (Tafsîr Ibn Kathîr p. 471 vol. 2)
Let us reflect! Why did Allâh Ta'âla punish them so severely in such a manner that He had never punished any other nation before? Surely their sin must have been really serious for Allâh Ta'âla to have punished and destroyed them in this way.
Sex in Islam:
In the Islamic faith, the first and the foremost and the most reliable and highest form of religious law for faithful Muslims is contained within the holy Qur'an. The Prophetic Traditions (also known as Hadith, which are the sayings and doings and tacit approval of things said or done in the presence of the Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h.) are a second source of law.
According to Islam, procreation is not the sole and only purpose of marriage. While procreation is a primary purpose, companionship and enjoyment of the spouse along with avoidance of unlawful or sinful relationships are also secondary purposes. These secondary purposes play their own important roles in the Islamic teachings which govern sexual relations. In other words, although procreation is definitely an aim, it is not an exclusive aim. Procreation is the major purpose, but nonetheless enjoyment and other purposes also play significant roles in married life as evidenced by the Islamic teachings which relate to sexual relations.
Although the primary purpose of sex is procreation, the Qur'an does not forbid it when a woman reaches menopause. For example, in the Qur'an is the story is about the Prophet Zakariya a.s. (Christian spelling -- Zakaria) [see Qur'an 19:1-15] who had fathered a child well into his old age. One verse in particular reads:
"He [Zakariya] said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son, when my wife is barren and I have grown quite decrepit from old age?" [Qur'an 19:8]
He said:
"So (it will be): thy Lord saith, "That is easy for Me: I did indeed create thee before, when thou hadst been nothing!" [Qur'an 19:9]
The Qur'anic reference above, then, shows the case of a couple carrying on sexual relations well into old age. This in turn signifies that these relations are allowed within marriage and into old age for Muslim couples.
You will recall that this same story is found in the Old Testament with reference to Zakaria a.s. who was made to be mute for three days and nights as a sign from God.
In this connection, it is interesting to note that even in our relatively recent times, history has recorded the fact that the great Sufi Shaikh, Abdul Qadir Gilani r.a., was born on the 1st day of Ramadan 470 A.H [some historians say 471 A.H] which corresponds to March 18, 1078 A.D. His mother was 60 years of age at the time of his birth.
In terms of the Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h. we can see another meaningful example of this in the life of the Prophet. The Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. married his first wife (Khadija aged 40) when he was 25 years old, and he remained monogamous throughout his entire 26 years of marriage to her. He then married A'isha at the age of 54, but this was three years after the death of Khadija. It was after this marriage that he then took other wives. By the way, many non-Muslim writers have directed a great deal of unjust criticism against him for this. In fact all of these women were quite old or were widows who had been left destitute and without protection during those troubled times. And so as the head of State at Medina, the only proper way (according to Arab code) in which Muhammad p.b.u.h. could extend both protection and maintenance to them was by marriage. Those marriages were not only consummated, but ancillary sexual relations have also been reported to us through the Hadith literature. Hence another proof that sexual relations are considered acceptable well into old age. "Polygamy was not always considered to be so reprehensible as it is now. For example, St. Augustine himself observed that there was no intrinsic immorality or sinfulness in it, and declared that polygamy was not a crime where it was the legal institution of a country."
Smoking and Drinking:
The unanimity of intellectuals on the pursuing of good and discarding of harm is a known fact. From the beginning of time, life revolved upon this accepted principle from all intellectuals and thinkers.
However, the intellects of people differ regarding that which is beneficial and harmful. This is because of differences of the human mental faculties in strength, weakness, soundness and deficiency. There are so many beneficial things which people understand to be harmful and leave aside, because of their suspicion of its harm. On the contrary, there are so many harmful things which people advance towards believing them to be beneficial, therefore practising upon them. This is due to the ambiguity of so many things whose reality is not apparent and therefore not understood. Is it something beneficial which has to be pursued or something harmful which has to be abstained from and discarded? The following hadith of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam substantiates this fact: "Halaal and haraam are evident and between them (halaal and haraam) are doubtful things which many people are unaware of."
Verily that which is halaal is beneficial and that which is haraam is harmful. From amongst halaal and haraam are those things whose benefit and harm are self evident, for example, the benefit of honey and the harm of poison or the benefit of doing good and the harm of evil actions. But between these are many things whose benefit or harm are not known to everyone except to people of experience, correct understanding and intellect. From amongst these is the subject of smoking whose reality is vague and hidden from many people.
What Do Cigarettes Comprise of?
Cigarettes comprise of many poisonous ingredients of which nicotine is not the only poisonous ingredient as many people misconceive, but includes other ingredients whose harms are more dangerous than nicotine. From amongst its poisonous ingredients are:
1. Carbon monoxide whose poisonous effect is known.
2. Poisonous lead which accumulates and the body fails to break it up.
3. Nicotine: This is a very poisonous substance so much so that a mere 50 mg of it can kill a person if it is injected into the arteries.
4. Radio-active polonium which settles in the lungs of the smoker and doesn't separate from it.
5. Tar: This is a sticky yellowish substance which makes the teeth yellow, causes tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. This is one of the most harmful ingredients.
6. Arsenic which is used as an insecticide, 10% of which settles on the lung.
7. Spirits and flavouring which are added by manufacturers to keep the tobacco moist.
8. Benzene vapour which plays a great role in lung cancer.
The Harms of Smoking &Alcoholism
Mohammed Abdul Ghaffaar Al Afghani in his book "Ninety nine harms of smoking" has said that smoking results in many sicknesses which doctors have explained and they all amount to ninety nine.
Doctor SalahuDeen Abdur - Rabbe Nabi, a neuro surgeon in Cairo says:
"When a person becomes enslaved to the habit of smoking, it has a very harmful effect on the smoker's health, especially to his heart. As a result, his heart beat and blood circulation becomes unstable and he experiences drowsiness from time to time due to the shrinking of his brain arteries. Sometimes during old age he suffers from high blood pressure and angina. Similarly his digestive and respiratory systems are harmed and the smoker loses his appetite. He is also afflicted by a cough which is known as the smoker's cough. When his nervous system is affected the smoker feels a prickly sensation, a numbness in his limbs and also a pain in the nerves."
Proof for The Prohibition Of Smoking And Alcohol
Smoking did not exist in the time of Rasool Sallallaahu Alahi Wasallam, but our magnificent Deen has laid down general principles from which many laws are derived. From these principles, the Ulema (Allah's mercy be upon them) have come to the conclusion that smoking is haraam.
These proofs which indicate this are either verses from the Quraan or narrations of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam. From amongst them are, briefly:
The statement of Allah Ta'aala describing the mission of Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam:
"He commands them to do good and stops them from evil and makes halaal for them that which is pure and makes haraam upon them that which is impure." [Quraan 7: 157]
This verse clearly shows pure things to be halaal and impure things to be haraam. An intelligent person would no doubt regard smoking to be from among the impure things. The literal meaning of impurity is a bad thing whose taste and smell are disliked. These two qualities are found in cigarettes.
"And do not squander (your wealth). Indeed the spendthrifts are the brothers of Shaytaan." [Quraan 17:27]
Another verse of the Quraan-e-kareem states:
"And do not waste, for indeed Allah does not love those who waste." [Quraan 6:141]
Without any doubt, in the purchasing of cigarettes is destruction, wasting and squandering of wealth. All these are not permissible according to the consensus of the jurists.
This is concerning the odour of these two vegetables, so what about the repulsive stench of cigarettes which harms the smoker and irritates other people? Its foul smell is more aggravating than the smell of garlic and onion.
A verse of the Holy Quraan states:
"And do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands." [Quraan 2: 195]
Smoking causes fatal sicknesses for example, lung cancer, tuberculosis etc.
In another verse of the Holy Quraan, Allah says:
"And do not kill yourselves." [Quraan 4: 29]
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