Insert new record into SQLite Database Android

This blog is in continuity with my previous post which was related to creation of a database helper class. After creating database in android and open the connection we need to add entries into the database.

But before that we just need to create a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) for the table so that we can store the values and directly send it to the database. POJO of PreferenceInfo can be downloaded from this link. (

In order to add a new entry into the database we get a SQLiteDatabase writable instance by adding following line
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();

After getting the database we must need to set the values that we need to persist into the database to sepecific column name:
ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();
newValues.put(E_MAIL, preferenceInfo.getEmail());
newValues.put(PASSWORD, preferenceInfo.getPassword());
newValues.put(USER_NAME, preferenceInfo.getUserName());
newValues.put(MOBILE_NUMBER, preferenceInfo.getMobileNumber());
newValues.put(KEY_MESSAGE, preferenceInfo.getKeyMessage());

Now, insert the values into the table by using insert method of the SQLiteDatabase instance
db.insert(REGISTER_TABLE, //table
newValues); // key/value -> keys = column names/ values = column values

Now after each and everything we must need to close the database connection after adding the data into database.

Updated AndroidHelper file and POJO.


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