Monday, April 29, 2013

Pakistan, A No-go area for feeble

Few months back I just got a headline of killing of Shahzeb by Shahrukh Jatoi and few days back I heard the same story but not from a headline but from a social networking site. Obviously this is not the first time when I just felt the bias behavior of our media on the basis of the TRP that can be generated from a case.

Jatoi is a big name and obviously can be healthy for the TRP collection and the murderers who were involved in Hamza Ahmed and Hamza Sheikh (Another victim of feudalist) don’t have that big name.  Well for feeble I think the whole country is a no-go area if you are week then it will be much better to either migrate or to commit suicide before they kill you. Or another option is just to stay calm and wait for your time to be robbed, killed or disgraced by such kind of persons.

These days we commonly hear a list of no-go area which includes (Lyari, PIB, Bakra Piri, 90, Al Asif Square, Quaid-a-bad, Kutti Pahari, Orangi Town and etc etc). But, my point is why carrying arms is legal for well-dressed criminals (elites of Karachi) and illegal for the low-class people who were labeled as militant.

Constitution should be same for everyone. We heard go-feudal-go from MQM and it was specifically targeted for Punjab. They are thinking about giving light to neighbor province and keep on pointing them but what about such cases that happened under their governance. Shahzeb got killed and MQM stayed quite, PPP calmness was due to so many other reasons as Jatoi were the supporters of PPP but what happened to MQM. Where they were sleeping at that time and even now?

PTI is not taking interest probably because these days they are busy with their campaigns, is campaign really important than the justice for Hamza and Shahzeb and so many others who were died because of this mindset who thinks their prestige is more important than the life of an innocent? But, this time PPP is not taking interest because they seem least interested in such cases while they were in government and now they are waiting to be elected so how come they can think about this issue.

CJ is famous for taking suo motto action but unfortunately this time he is busy in resolving his personal differences with the Gen. Pervaz Musharaf so this time no luck for you Hamza.

I hope that you(Hamza) will get justice but I am not very hopeful for my optimistic anticipations his time, reason is not like I am getting pessimistic but optimistically you were only murdered with 4 bullets not slaughtered which was also a possibility in this city with no rights for Human.

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