Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ben 10 A new Hero

It was 8:00 in the morning, and I was driving towards my office. There was a bike very next to my car on which a very little kid was gripped his dad in his school uniform. Well, this is an ordinary scene on the streets of karachi that mostly father's were dropping their kids to their schools. The backpack that kid carried for his school was covered with Benjamin Tennyson. 
Hopefully no one recognized this name and probably few did. Benjamin Tennyson was the real name of the character we often find on the signals of karachi, where slumdog were selling few scales, pencils, and in some proche areas watches and plastic ballons too. Now, mostly people recognized that I am talking about Ben in Ben-10. The hero of a comic series, this character is unbelievingly more popular then the name of Quaid-e-Azam in our country. 
As few days back I saw some kind of similar kid with a bag, watch, shoes and t-shirt walking in my home, who was my nephew. He is so young and only spend a year in his school but, I suddenly asked the name of the person who was printed on a 1000 Rs. currency note and he wasn't aware of that. And then I asked him for the name of the person on his bag then he told me his name with the name of another character in same cartoons, 'Gwen'. 
I think it's not the problem with those kids who were not aware of that, but in this, Media (Printing Media, Television), Parent, and Teachers played a pivot role. Because everyone just print the stickers and logos and badges of cartoon characters on the bags, rulers, watches. Either Parent always try to gift the cartoon character books to their kids. I am not saying that they will never be able to know the national figures of the country, but, I think whatever they will learn from the beginning will be in their brain roots.
Entertainment is necessary but with the  education, so, I think everyone should play a role in feeding such things into the brain of kids. 

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